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Aroma Garden

 Aroma Garden is an endeavour to take us all closer to nature within the limitations of our existing lifestyles. The Address maintains aroma oils which are from substances extracted from the roots, flowers, fruits and leaves of plants and are for medicinal purposes.

 Essential Oils: Following are some of the most popular and versatile essential oils. Each essential oil has its unique properties, fragrance and character.

  1. Basil   13. Lemon
  2. Bergamot   14. Lemongrass
  3. Black Pepper   15. Neem (Margosa)
  4. Cedarwood   16. Neroli
  5. Clary sage   17. Orange
  6. Eucalyptus   18. Palmarosa
  7. Fennel   19. Patchouli
  8. Frankincence   20. Peppermint
  9. Geranium   21. Rosemary
  10. Ginger   22. Sandalwood
  11. Juniper Berry   23. Tea Tree
  12. Lavender   24. Vetiver

 Details available at the store


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