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Accessories | Ceramics | Lamps | Furniture | Vases | Candles | Steel


There are various paintings available in our life-style store. Some of the known artists are:

        Pushpa Bagrodia

           Samir Aich

        Sunil Das

           Sanjay Majumdar

        Apurbo Paul

           Sanjib Roy

        Dipto Narayan Chattopadhaya

           Animesh Biswas

        Bratin Khan

           Saikat Bhattacharya

        Swagata Bose

           Sudip Chatterjee

        Poritosh Sen

          Neelkant Chowdhary

Sudip Chatterjee                                   

Sunil Das

Sanjay Majumdar

Paritosh Sen

               Madhubani Paintings by Neel Kant Chowdhary...More

Prices are available on enquiry. See Contact Us.


More varieties of paintings are available at the store.

We do paintings on commission also.

Sizes can be ordered according to one's preferences depending on the product and its availability.

Accessories | Ceramics | Paintings | Furniture | Vases | Candles | Steel

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